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duration | 2 HR – Sat. Feb 10 th | 2:30 pm

Back to the roots: Foundations Workshop

🪴Regardless of a plant’s life stage, it always needs strong healthy roots in order to thrive. The roots of a plant are deep underneath the surface yet provide the foundation and support that they need for growth and magnificence. Similarly, in our yoga practice, there is an importance in always allowing ourselves to observe, reflect and refine our practice through guidance and awareness.

⭐️With their combined experience and expertise that is Alignment & Anatomy oriented, Everyone Yoga teachers Katya Danko & Mackenzie Proud are teaming up to provide students a broad set of tools for a safe and effective practice of Asana (postures). With two teachers in the room each student will receive individualized support and guidance to ensure attendees leave with expanded knowledge that they can bring to their own practice.

✨This workshop series is ideal for anyone willing to travel back to the roots of their practice so that they can keep progressing in a strong and safe way.

✨It is uniquely ideal for anyone starting a yoga practice, because what better way to start a yoga path than through the support of strong foundations?

📣Catch EARLY BIRD pricing until Feb 7th!!!:

$45 single workshop

$155 for all 4 workshop series

♥️Members use code EYMEMBER for $5 off anytime on the single workshops

1️⃣Feb 10th: A dive into Sun Salutations:

Used in almost every vinyasa class, Surya A and B are a combination of poses used to warm up the body. In this workshop we will break down the main elements of these so that:

-A newcomer can build a solid foundation to bring a confident vinyasa in any class.

-A more experienced yogi can refine their alignment, building up to a strong, supported chaturanga.

Save the dates for the upcoming monthly workshops from this series:

March 9th Standing, Twisting & Balancing

April 6th Mindful Backbending

May 4th Inversions & Arm Balances 101