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duration | 90 MIN – Sat. Oct 21 st | 4:00 pm

Spooky Movie Night at Everyone Yoga!

SpOoKy month is here and so our MoOviEe NiGhTsS!

This time we are screening two halloween movies!!

When? Saturday October 21st

1st movie

COCO by Disney (Family friendly movie)

Doors open: 4:00pm

Movie starts: 5:00pm

$5 adults, $10 kids to participate in the costume contest!

2nd movie

Hocus Pocus!

Doors open: 7:30pm

Movie starts: 8:00pm

$10 per person, come in a costume and expect surprises!!

We will have movie theater popcorn, beer, wine and other beverages for sale!

Buy tickets thru the link!
