Have you ever been at a Restorative class, all propped up, feeling like you’re being held by clouds and thought: “This can’t get any better” WELL IT CAN SWEETIE, add CUPPING to the equation and find out!!!
In this special class, students will explore the depth of restorative yoga while experiencing the benefits of cupping therapy. Led by Restore Everyone Yoga Teachers Veronica Dye (LMT) & Cristina Rose Ortiz (Yoga Therapy).
The intention of this event is to release muscle tension through supported restorative postures combined with cupping therapy, and practice cultivating deeper self awareness through the duality of stillness and sensation. The class will end with a guided Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) meditation, to allow the body space to integrate the bodywork and yoga asana for a blissfully relaxing evening.
Saturday March 2nd from 5:30pm to 7:00pm (90 mins!)
$50 general pricing
Members use code EYMEMBER for $5 off anytime
This Special Event is being capped at 14 students, RUN don’t walk!